Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on Frank Liszt - 701 Words
amp;#9;Franz Liszt was born on October 22, 1811 and lived until July 31, 1886. He was taught the piano by his father and then Czerny (Vienna, 1822-1823), making himself known as a remarkable concert artist by the age of 12. In Paris he studied theory and composition with Reicha and Paer; he wrote an opera and bravura piano pieces and went on tours in France, Switzerland and England before his bad health and religious doubt made him rethink his career. Intellectual growth came through literature, and the urge to create through hearing opera and especially Paganini, whose influence effected Liszt. He eagerly transferred to the piano in original works and operatic fantasias. Meanwhile he gave lessons and began his stormy relationship†¦show more content†¦He remained active as a teacher and performer to the end of his life. Liszts personality appears contradictory in its combination of romantic abstraction and otherworldliness with a cynical diabolism and elegant, worldly manners. But though he had a restless intellect, he also was ceaselessly creative, seeking the new in music. He helped others generously, as conductor, arranger, pianist or writer, and took artistic and personal risks in doing so. The greatest pianist of his time, he composed some of the most difficult piano music ever written (e.g. the Transcendental Studies) and had an extraordinarily broad repertory, from Scarlatti onwards; he invented the modern piano recital. Liszt had two personal touches to all of his compositions, experiment with large-scale structures, and thematic transformation. His transcendental piano technique was imaginative in the same way, coming from his desire to make the piano sound like an orchestra or as rich in scope as one. In harmony he ventured well beyond the use of augmented and diminished chords and the whole-tone scale; the late piano and choral works especially contain tonal dashes arising from independent contrapuntal strands, chords built from 4ths or 5ths, and a strikingly advanced chromatics, in non harmonic tones. Piano works naturally make up the greater part of LisztsShow MoreRelated HISTORY AND ORIGINATORS OF KEYBOARD Essay2138 Words  | 9 Pageshistorical instruments. Stimulated by the German-English builder Arnold Dolmetsch and exemplified by Martin Skowroneck, a German, this school relied on light stringing in a highly resonant case. American builders in this style include William Hyman, Frank Hubbard, and William Dowd. American instrument maker John Challis employed a different, more modern approach to construction of the instrument. Though he based the decorative scheme of his designs on Dolmetschs works, Challis experimented with new
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Instructional Leadership As A Model For Leadership
Instructional Leadership in the Primary School Abstract The link between student achievement and effective teaching has been well researched and documented. Likewise, an extensive research base supports the view that leadership is the most important element of an effective school (Department of Education and Training, 2005). This inquiry seeks to examine the leading educational idea of Instructional Leadership as a model for leadership which has a positive impact on student outcomes. The contemporary model of instructional leadership will be examined so that a clear picture of its changed emphases will be highlighted. Literature will be examined and analysed in order to provide a historical and contemporary view of this style of leadership as well as provide a clear understanding of how it would impact a primary school. An alternative style of leadership will also be examined which has achieved student success by focusing on a moral rationale for teaching and learning. One of the maj or insights emerging from this literature review is that instructional leadership provides a model for leadership which improves student outcomes primarily through teacher learning and development. The findings of this review will be of benefit to school leaders who are interested in instructional leadership as a model for supporting the improvement of student outcomes in primary schools. It will provide a sense of how contemporary instructional leadership has evolved and why it isShow MoreRelatedStrategies Of Effective Instructional Leadership1714 Words  | 7 Pages Strategies of effective instructional leadership Nursultan Salgarayev University of Toronto Introduction School principals practicing instructional leadership model plays a significant role in everyday’s life of an organization. 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The portrait of a real man in modern society Free Essays
The portrait ofa real man in modern society Life has always made great demands on man and these demands change unrecognizably as years go by. For instance, all that was required of a primitive man was the ability to hunt well, whereas modern people have to combine different complicated roles. We live in a dynamically developing world where everything Is planned down to the minute. We will write a custom essay sample on The portrait of a real man in modern society or any similar topic only for you Order Now All the systems of todays society function together and men are just â€Å"cogs in the machine†. And yet these â€Å"cogs†must be flexible, intelligent and active. But on the other hand, our lifestyle offers some benefits as well. For example, meeting numerous challenges gives you the sense of achievement and raises your self-esteem. But If our world today Is so diverse, Is there a unified Image of the real man? This question troubles many people and a great number of them try to find an answer to it. To my mind, one of the most valuable qualities today is intelligence, which allows one to fulfil one’s duties, get and analyse information and come up with effective solutions. But Intelligence alone Isn’t enough to make a successful person. creativity and Imagination are quite Important qualltles ppreciated by todays employers. In such a highly-developed world as ours man should be capable of inventing new methods of doing routine things. That’s why discovering your talents Is becoming more vital nowadays than ever before. Having an activity that you are good at can brighten up your life and, what’s more, protect you from all the temptations which can attract idlers so much. Furthermore, they say, â€Å"A sound mind in sound body’. That’s why all the qualities listed above are Inseparable from physical fitness. Many people nowadays attend gyms or work out by hemselves In order to stay fit and healthy. Another pastime which Is gaining popularity is extreme sports. Daring people go in for mountaineering, surfing, bungee jumping or other risky activities to see how far their limits may go. However, this tendency isnt as admirable as It may seem, for many people put their lives at risk lust to fill the emptiness In their souls or minds with adrenaline. Speaking frankly, I’d rather they took up something useful for the society instead. Everybody knows that our world today is full of problems – global and local, major and minor, and people ith an active life position cant but think about the poor, the homeless and the disabled. The majority of us have understood the importance of charity, volunteer work and fighting against such social evils as alcoholism and drug addiction. To sum up, a real man should possess all the qualities which I have mentioned. In my opinion, one of the examples ofa real man of the 21 st century is Chulpan Khamatova, a gifted actress whose talent Is unique and lustrous. She Is also known for her unprecedented social activity which draws public attention to the problems of children with cancer. In the year 2006 Chulpan became a co-founder of a charity fund â€Å"Gift of life†which helps children suffering from oncological diseases. She manages to find time for charity work although the actress’s profession Is extremely hard and , besides, she has three children of her own to take care of. Of course, not everyone can live up to todays expectations and it has always been a hard task to meet the demands of the society. No one is perfect, but we can try to develop all tnese good qualltles In ourselves, as ellow once put It, â€Å"All are arcnltects 0T Fate working in these walls of Time†¦ â€Å" How to cite The portrait of a real man in modern society, Papers
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