Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Thes Benevolent Association, The Knights Of Labor And The...
The Screwmen’s Benevolent Association, The Knights of Labor and the Farmers Alliance are a few of the leading labor organizations in Texas. Developed as the political and human resource representation for many of Texas’ post civil war laborers, these organizations invested considerable time and funding in advocating for the concerns of the working class. Established socialist communities were natural supporters for unionization based on their beliefs in cooperation for the greater good. Within a transformative decade for Texas workers, the Knights of Labor reached the pinnacle of its influence, failed a railroad strike in 1886 and eventually transformed into an agrarian and mechanics’ organization. (AM and Reid 2009) The growing influence of the Knights of Labor improved the standing of socialists by extension. In reality, the union was not socialist organization by definition. However, Texas socialists support and political gamesmanship contributed heavily to the growth and development of the Knights of Labor. (Texas AM University Press 2010) Advocacy for Texas laborers and support for the civil rights movement became the focus of proponents of socialist political policies. Labor strikes and litigation against Texas based businesses routinely failed, illustrating the economic entrenchment of corporations and their accompanying judicial and legislative alliances. As the political clout of the Knights of Labor waned, the weight of political influence regarding
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) - 1429 Words
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD): Have you ever been sitting day dreaming, or got lost in a book or work? After you finish the book or your work, you come back to earth and remember what occurred while you were day dreaming or lost in that book or work. With a person that has MPD, it is not that easily done with most. Most individuals that have MPD do not remember anything that had occurred within hours or minutes of the event. Some think MPD is a hoax created by movies such as â€Å"Three faces of Eve†or â€Å"Sybil†, but is that a fact. MPD is mental health disorders were someone has an altered personality. MPD has been called many different things from split personality to what is it referred to in this century as Dissociative Identity†¦show more content†¦said that her therapist showed her and her alter selves how to live with one another by showing them how to function and schedule their time. (G.L) MPD became know more after the movie Sybil became very popular. It is a true story about a woman named Shirley Ardell Mason whose mother physical and sexual abused her, while her father did nothing to stop the abuse. From the abuse that Sybil mother forced upon her, Sybil gained sixteen different personalities (Dryden-Edwards) to deal with the abuse. When a person has (MPD), the altered self controls the behavior of the individual. When the abuse they have suffered from has encountered them again or something triggers a memory from their past abuse, one of the altered personalities takes control of their body . After the abuse or memory comes in contact, it only takes a second for the altered self to take control of the body. The altered self will take control of the body and take the physical, mental, and emotional abuse that the individual is suffering from. The altered often remembers the abuse their self or they just will forget about the abuse. An individual can create as many as one hundred personalities to cope with their abuse. In psychiatric hospitals, MPD occurs in females more often than males. (Dryden-Edwards) MPD sometimes take a while to diagnose. When an individual feels like it is time to seek help about their problem a doctor will then proceed with a mental health evaluation. TheShow MoreRelatedMultiple Personality Disorder ( Mpd )1498 Words  | 6 Pagesarchives of psychiatry, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a very auspicious topic (Dorahy, Brand, Sar, Kruger, Stavropoulos, Martines Middleton, 2014). DID can be defined by a single individual carrying around two or more alternate personalities (that is alters) (Boysen VanBergen, 2013). The criteria for DID is amicable by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV)Read More Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesMultiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Introduction: Multiple personalities is a dissociative condition in which an individual’s personality is apparently split into two or more distinct sub-personalities, each of which may become dominant at different times. People with multiple personality disorder suffer from internal chaos, roller-coaster emotions and terrible memories. They also present confusing confusing and contradictory images to their family and friends. But in spite of all this, MPDRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay example756 Words  | 4 Pages Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), which is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is a Dissociative Disorder. This disorder is when a person has two or more distinct personalities that often control the person’s behavior. This disorder has many controversies because of the fact that it is not scientifically proven. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One personality is usually restrainedRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder Essay1635 Words  | 7 PagesMultiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a mental disease that exists in about one percent of the population. Much research supports the existence of this disease and its origins, causes and effects on the people in who suffer with it. This essay will clearly define Multiple Personality Disorder along with a detailed synopsis of the disease itself. The diagnosis, alter personalities, different treatments and views will indicate the disease is real. The AmericanRead MoreMultiple Personalities Disorder Analysis1037 Words  | 5 PagesMultiple Personality Disorders (MPD), or what has been re-classified, Dissociative Idenitfy Disorder (DID), is a deliberating and frightening illness for the DID individual; as well as their friends and family. The meaning of DID (Dissoiative Idenity Disorder) usually means that a person has more than two self-states or identities, which often times appear like entirely different personalities. When one is under the control of one identity, the person usually is unable to remember some of the eventsRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder1415 Words  | 6 Pageswe do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse during their childhood. MPD is a severed form of dissociation from reality in which it reflects a person’s extreme lack of connectivityRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder1423 Words  | 6 Pageswe do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse during their childhood. MPD is a severed form of dissociation from reality in which it reflects a person’s extreme lack of connectivityRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Mpd )921 Words  | 4 PagesWhen most people think of mental disorders, many tend to think of depression, bipolar disorder, or even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The one thing these three disorders have in common is they all can be associated with a disorder called Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). A person with MPD â€Å"behaves as if under the control of distinct and separate parts of the personality at different times†(Bull). As research has advanced on the studying of MPD, researchers have deemed the official diagnosticRead MoreThe Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder1486 Words  | 6 Pageslocation, name, age, or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder- or MPD for short. Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rar e, but now after thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before then. Various individuals believeRead MoreThe Three Faces Of Eve Essay1188 Words  | 5 Pagesintended to inform its reader about Multiple Personality Disorder and whether it is fact or fiction. This paper was intended to be contrived after watching the film â€Å"The Three Faces of Eve†, directed by Nunnally Johnson in 1957. The star of the film, Joanne Woodard, portrays the title character Eve White, who acts through the separate personalities of Eve White, Eve Black, and Jane. Despite the doctors in the film being able to explain Multiple Personality Disorder, the question still arises today as
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Vacant Chapter 13 Forgive Free Essays
So far I’ve cleaned the bathroom, the oven, the refrigerator and vacuumed – twice. It’s after nine and Emily still hasn’t shown up. I’m starting to think that her things are simply a mirage, or maybe she just didn’t want to carry a lot of junk with her. We will write a custom essay sample on Vacant Chapter 13 Forgive or any similar topic only for you Order Now Maybe she’s staying with one of her school friends, and she didn’t need her hygiene stuff. Maybe my earlier thought about what she would need to do for money wasn’t that far off the mark. Maybe she’s out doing something dangerous, or worse yet, something has already happened to her. There’s no one but me to know she’s missing. How long do I have to wait before I turn her in as a missing person? I know she has to be missing for at least twenty-four hours, but maybe she’s already been gone for a couple days. Oh, God – what if she’s hurt and lying somewhere. Maybe she only has minutes left and I can’t get to her in time†¦ â€Å"Ow!†I hit my head on the bottom shelf of the linen closet, cleaning the dried and caked shampoo from the floor when the sound of the door closing startles me. â€Å"Emily?†I hope it’s her. If it’s not, I’m going to call the cops and lie and tell them she’s been missing for days. I hear the slapping of tennis shoes against the linoleum, then a thud on the carpet. I turn and look down the hall to see a brown-haired beauty face down on the floor. â€Å"Emily? Are you okay?†I almost – almost – laugh when she looks up at me with her hair tangled in her face. â€Å"Ethan, it’s you! It’s really you!†She scrambles the rest of the way to me on her knees, spitting her hair out of her mouth and hugging me tighter than I can ever remember. Her smile is brighter than a sunny day at the equator. We settle on the couch, still holding on to each other. I can’t seem to let go. I never want to let go. â€Å"Where have you been?†There doesn’t seem to be any anger in her tone. How could she NOT be angry with me? I’m ashamed at my answer. â€Å"I drove. I didn’t really go anywhere. I was just running away, Emily.†I hang my head, embarrassed that I don’t even have a good reason for leaving her. â€Å"I know it won’t make any difference now because you probably hate me, but I love you too, Emily. I have since†¦forever, and I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you. I should have said it to you a week ago instead of running away like the coward I am. But, I can’t hold back any longer without you knowing how I feel about you. I’ve never been in love before, but I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like. I can’t think about anything else but you – how you laugh, the way you comb your hair, the way you smell right after the shower†¦ God!†Something stops my rambling, something soft, warm and moist. Emily’s lips are on mine and her arms are wrapped around my neck. She’s kissing me, and I don’t ever want her to stop. Her mouth on mine is awesome! And I think about other things I want her to do with her mouth. While there are a hundred synonyms for how kissing Emily feels, the only thing in my head the at the moment is â€Å"woo-hoo†. If I really think about what is actually happening, I’ll make her stop. This is wrong – not the kissing part, but the part where she’s willing to forgive all my sins and just take me back without a second thought. Now that I’m thinking about it†¦ Damn it! Now I’m mad. I pull away while her lips linger. â€Å"Emily,†I sigh, not really knowing where to start. â€Å"We have to talk about this,†I motion between us. She nods begrudgingly. It’s written all over her face; she thinks I’m going to reject her again. â€Å"Look,†I pull her chin up so her eyes meet mine, â€Å"nothing will change my feelings for you. They haven’t changed in the last few years, and they won’t change in the next few, either. What I have to know, though, is how you are feeling.†She starts shaking her head, telling me not to worry, but that’s precisely the problem. She should be angry with me. â€Å"Emily, you should be upset with me. Yell, scream, hit – anything to let me know how you feel!†I’m almost shouting near the end of my declaration. I pull back and get myself in check before I completely lose it. â€Å"Relieved.†â€Å"What?†It’s a stupid question because I heard perfectly well what she said. It’s a stall tactic on my part. â€Å"I’m relieved, Ethan.†â€Å"Why aren’t you-â€Å" â€Å"Do you know how many people there have been in my life who I cared about or who cared about me?†I’m pretty sure I know the answer. I’m hoping it’s two, but know for sure it’s one – her mother – but I’m always careful not to bring up LouAnne. I just squeeze her hand, which I’m still holding onto like the piece of wood Leonardo DiCaprio was holding onto after his exit from the Titanic. â€Å"Two, Ethan. Two.†Now I’m relieved. â€Å"And one of them can’t ever come back, but you did. You came back and I don’t care where you went or what you did. You are here now, safe.†The tremble in her voice as she says, â€Å"what you did,†tells me she’s a little scared of what – or who – I might have done, so I hope I’m about to put her fears to rest. â€Å"I just drove and slept in my car. I ate a few times, but honestly, Emily, the only thing I did was think about you and how much you mean to me. I was an asshole for leaving you. I didn’t take your safety or well-being into account and for that, I’m sorry. You should be upset with me.†â€Å"I was scared, Ethan. At first, I thought maybe you were just blowing off some steam, off figuring out a way to tell me to leave, but when you didn’t come home that first night or the next morning, I started to get worried. Then Margie came by and said you hadn’t shown up for work.†So, this is how Margie knows about Emily. â€Å"I wasn’t really sure how much she knew, but I could tell she was surprised to find me here. She was so nice though. I told her how highly you speak of her and how much we appreciated the deal she and her husband gave on the car. Then I lost myself for a little bit and told her about you surprising me and taking me to graduation.†Emily pauses and smiles, then looks down as if she’s a little embarrassed. â€Å"It was nice to have a woman to talk to again. It reminded me a little of my mom.†Emily continues to tell me about Margie coming to the house. She said she cried for a little bit because she didn’t know what to do, that she’d been relying on me for so long. She didn’t know what she would do if I didn’t come home. She also tells me how Margie asked her about a job and what she liked to do. It seems they went to the public library and Emily applied for a position. She can work there part-time and still go to school. Apparently, she works until closing and that’s why she came home so late. Margie also got her a bus pass and rode with her the first time to make sure it was safe. There isn’t a bouquet of flowers big enough for Margie right now. How to cite Vacant Chapter 13 Forgive, Essay examples
Vacant Chapter 13 Forgive Free Essays
So far I’ve cleaned the bathroom, the oven, the refrigerator and vacuumed – twice. It’s after nine and Emily still hasn’t shown up. I’m starting to think that her things are simply a mirage, or maybe she just didn’t want to carry a lot of junk with her. We will write a custom essay sample on Vacant Chapter 13 Forgive or any similar topic only for you Order Now Maybe she’s staying with one of her school friends, and she didn’t need her hygiene stuff. Maybe my earlier thought about what she would need to do for money wasn’t that far off the mark. Maybe she’s out doing something dangerous, or worse yet, something has already happened to her. There’s no one but me to know she’s missing. How long do I have to wait before I turn her in as a missing person? I know she has to be missing for at least twenty-four hours, but maybe she’s already been gone for a couple days. Oh, God – what if she’s hurt and lying somewhere. Maybe she only has minutes left and I can’t get to her in time†¦ â€Å"Ow!†I hit my head on the bottom shelf of the linen closet, cleaning the dried and caked shampoo from the floor when the sound of the door closing startles me. â€Å"Emily?†I hope it’s her. If it’s not, I’m going to call the cops and lie and tell them she’s been missing for days. I hear the slapping of tennis shoes against the linoleum, then a thud on the carpet. I turn and look down the hall to see a brown-haired beauty face down on the floor. â€Å"Emily? Are you okay?†I almost – almost – laugh when she looks up at me with her hair tangled in her face. â€Å"Ethan, it’s you! It’s really you!†She scrambles the rest of the way to me on her knees, spitting her hair out of her mouth and hugging me tighter than I can ever remember. Her smile is brighter than a sunny day at the equator. We settle on the couch, still holding on to each other. I can’t seem to let go. I never want to let go. â€Å"Where have you been?†There doesn’t seem to be any anger in her tone. How could she NOT be angry with me? I’m ashamed at my answer. â€Å"I drove. I didn’t really go anywhere. I was just running away, Emily.†I hang my head, embarrassed that I don’t even have a good reason for leaving her. â€Å"I know it won’t make any difference now because you probably hate me, but I love you too, Emily. I have since†¦forever, and I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you. I should have said it to you a week ago instead of running away like the coward I am. But, I can’t hold back any longer without you knowing how I feel about you. I’ve never been in love before, but I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like. I can’t think about anything else but you – how you laugh, the way you comb your hair, the way you smell right after the shower†¦ God!†Something stops my rambling, something soft, warm and moist. Emily’s lips are on mine and her arms are wrapped around my neck. She’s kissing me, and I don’t ever want her to stop. Her mouth on mine is awesome! And I think about other things I want her to do with her mouth. While there are a hundred synonyms for how kissing Emily feels, the only thing in my head the at the moment is â€Å"woo-hoo†. If I really think about what is actually happening, I’ll make her stop. This is wrong – not the kissing part, but the part where she’s willing to forgive all my sins and just take me back without a second thought. Now that I’m thinking about it†¦ Damn it! Now I’m mad. I pull away while her lips linger. â€Å"Emily,†I sigh, not really knowing where to start. â€Å"We have to talk about this,†I motion between us. She nods begrudgingly. It’s written all over her face; she thinks I’m going to reject her again. â€Å"Look,†I pull her chin up so her eyes meet mine, â€Å"nothing will change my feelings for you. They haven’t changed in the last few years, and they won’t change in the next few, either. What I have to know, though, is how you are feeling.†She starts shaking her head, telling me not to worry, but that’s precisely the problem. She should be angry with me. â€Å"Emily, you should be upset with me. Yell, scream, hit – anything to let me know how you feel!†I’m almost shouting near the end of my declaration. I pull back and get myself in check before I completely lose it. â€Å"Relieved.†â€Å"What?†It’s a stupid question because I heard perfectly well what she said. It’s a stall tactic on my part. â€Å"I’m relieved, Ethan.†â€Å"Why aren’t you-â€Å" â€Å"Do you know how many people there have been in my life who I cared about or who cared about me?†I’m pretty sure I know the answer. I’m hoping it’s two, but know for sure it’s one – her mother – but I’m always careful not to bring up LouAnne. I just squeeze her hand, which I’m still holding onto like the piece of wood Leonardo DiCaprio was holding onto after his exit from the Titanic. â€Å"Two, Ethan. Two.†Now I’m relieved. â€Å"And one of them can’t ever come back, but you did. You came back and I don’t care where you went or what you did. You are here now, safe.†The tremble in her voice as she says, â€Å"what you did,†tells me she’s a little scared of what – or who – I might have done, so I hope I’m about to put her fears to rest. â€Å"I just drove and slept in my car. I ate a few times, but honestly, Emily, the only thing I did was think about you and how much you mean to me. I was an asshole for leaving you. I didn’t take your safety or well-being into account and for that, I’m sorry. You should be upset with me.†â€Å"I was scared, Ethan. At first, I thought maybe you were just blowing off some steam, off figuring out a way to tell me to leave, but when you didn’t come home that first night or the next morning, I started to get worried. Then Margie came by and said you hadn’t shown up for work.†So, this is how Margie knows about Emily. â€Å"I wasn’t really sure how much she knew, but I could tell she was surprised to find me here. She was so nice though. I told her how highly you speak of her and how much we appreciated the deal she and her husband gave on the car. Then I lost myself for a little bit and told her about you surprising me and taking me to graduation.†Emily pauses and smiles, then looks down as if she’s a little embarrassed. â€Å"It was nice to have a woman to talk to again. It reminded me a little of my mom.†Emily continues to tell me about Margie coming to the house. She said she cried for a little bit because she didn’t know what to do, that she’d been relying on me for so long. She didn’t know what she would do if I didn’t come home. She also tells me how Margie asked her about a job and what she liked to do. It seems they went to the public library and Emily applied for a position. She can work there part-time and still go to school. Apparently, she works until closing and that’s why she came home so late. Margie also got her a bus pass and rode with her the first time to make sure it was safe. There isn’t a bouquet of flowers big enough for Margie right now. How to cite Vacant Chapter 13 Forgive, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Clear and Concise Discussion Advanced Financial Accounting
Question: What are the key Characterristics of an Intangible Assetss ? Answer: Introducation One of the major accounting packages of InternationalFinancial Accounting Standards is the introduction of AASB138 Intangible asset. It can be seen that the adoption of AASB138 Intangible asset has changed the way for the Australian companies to account and report of the intangible assets of the organization. The introduction of AASB138 Intangible asset has included some major flaws in the process of accounting; and due to this reason, the business organizations failed to provide the correct financial information to the users of the financial statements (ro.uow.edu.au 2017). The Australian constituents resisted to adopt the policy of AASB138 Intangible asset; but still the standards became effective from 1st January 2005. Most of the accountants all over the world have considered the fact that the introduction of AASB138 Intangible asset will have a major negative impact on the accounting process of the Australian companies. The new standard of AASB138 Intangible asset defines the in tangible assets as an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance. In addition, the standards of AASB138 Intangible asset have also said that the intangible assets must be distinguishable from the goodwill of the organization (Chalmers et al. 2012). One of the major disadvantages of the introduction of AASB138 Intangible asset is that this procedure has prohibited the recognition of the intellectually generated brands publishing titles, list of customers, mastheads and others. As per the new rules and regulations of AASB138 Intangible asset, all the intangible assets of the organizations must be value based on cost (Halim and Jaafar 2012). The prior standard before the introduction of AASB138 Intangible asset allowed the companies of Australia to value their different intangible assets based on fair value method. With the help of the fair vale method, the companies would be able to obtain the proper value of the intangible assets. However, with the adoption of cost method has restricted the companies to obtain the exact value of their intangible assets. Later on, AASB138 Intangible asset has allowed the companies to do revaluation of their intangible assets based on fair value method. At this point of time, it is not possible to exactly gauge the amount of impact on the Australian companies; however, as per the suggestions of the Australian media companies, the impact of AASB138 Intangible asset is going to be significant. On a broader sense, the introduction of AASB138 Intangible asset has clearly shown the inability of Australian Regulators to make their voice heard in the stage of International standard setters (Steenkamp et al. 2016). References Chalmers, K., Clinch, G., Godfrey, J.M. and Wei, Z., 2012. Intangible assets, IFRS and analysts earnings forecasts.Accounting Finance,52(3), pp.691-721. Halim, H.A. and Jaafar, H., 2012. Intangibles Disclosure and Capital-Raising in Australia: An Analysis of Information Intensity.Journal of Accounting and Finance, Asian Academy of Management. ro.uow.edu.au. (2017).AASB138 intangible assets - the bad apple in the IFRS barrel. [online] Available at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2461context=commpapers [Accessed 25 Apr. 2017]. Steenkamp, N., Steenkamp, N., Steenkamp, S. and Steenkamp, S., 2016. AASB 138: catalyst for managerial decisions reducing RD spending?.Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting,14(1), pp.116-130.
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