Friday, November 29, 2019
Baburen, Dirck van free essay sample
Baburen, Dirck new wave ( b. c. 1595, Utrecht ; d. 1624, Utrecht ) . Dutch painter of spiritual plants, history pieces and genre scenes, a prima member of the Utrecht school. After analyzing picture in Utrecht with Paulus Moreelse, a portrait painter and history painter, he traveled ( c. 1612 ) to Rome, where his manner became strongly influenced by the work of the Italian painter Caravaggio, whose dramatic contrasts between light and dark he found peculiarly intriguing. His most of import Italian committee was the ornament of a chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Montorio, Rome ( 1615-20 ) , which included his Burial ( 1617 ) . He carried out this committee together with his friend and co-worker David de Haen. In 1620 Baburen returned to Utrecht, where he shared a studio with Hendrick Ter Brugghen in approximately 1622-23. Although he died in 1624, he played a prima function, with Honthorst and Ter Brugghen, in set uping Utrecht as a fastness of the Caravaggesque manner. We will write a custom essay sample on Baburen, Dirck van or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Utrecht creative persons adopted Caravaggio s chiaroscuro and pragmatism. As Caravaggio, who frequently painted ordinary laborers, they chose theoretical accounts with weather-beaten faces and frequently portrayed them larger than life and dramatically lit from one side. The influence of Caravaggio may be seen in his Jesus Crowned with Thorns ( two versions, at the Franciscan House, Weert, Netherlands, and at Drury-Lowe Collection, Locko Park, England ) , based on a lost picture by the maestro. Baburen was particularly affectionate of genre scenes ( topics from mundane life ) , such as his best-known work, The Procuress ( 1622 ; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ) . This image is seen in the background of two pictures by Vermeer, whose mother-in-law seemingly owned it. A certain saltiness in construct, irregular compositional beat, and less atmospheric quality distinguish Baburen s art from that of his greater coevalss, but his mode of picture can be said to be wide and forceful. The metropolis of Utrecht was the centre of Catholic life in the otherwise Protestant Dutch democracy, and Baburen was one of a group of Utrecht painters who, unlike most of their Dutch coevalss, had studied in Catholic Rome. Influenced by the Italian maestro Caravaggio, these creative persons specialized in painting big, half-length figures, brought near to the image surface and solidly modeled in strongly contrasting visible radiation and shadow. In this spirited image of materialistic love, an amative client deals with a procuress ( one who solicits clients for a cocotte ) for the favours of a juicy immature adult female. The figures colourful costumes suggest street entertainers or characters in a drama. A luting, symbol of love, occupies the centre of the composing and the gestures of the custodies that surround it state the picture s narrative. Though he painted chiefly spiritual topics, Baburen besides created scenes of ordinary life on juncture. His Procuress of 1622 was sufficiently admired fifty old ages subsequently that the great Dutch maestro, Vermeer, included it in the background of several of his images. Chiaroscuro Clair-obscur ( French ) and chiaroscuro ( Italian ) both average light-dark . The two footings are used to denote crisp contrasts of visible radiation and dark in pictures, drawings and prints. Although the consequence was already in usage before, the term came into trend in the late sixteenth century. The word originates in Italy. The painter Caravaggio ( 1573-1610 ) made chiaroscuro his hallmark. He was a maestro at painting dark scenes illuminated by a individual beam of visible radiation.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Desert Precipitation, Plant, and Animal Life
Desert Precipitation, Plant, and Animal Life Deserts, also known as arid lands, are regions that receive less than 10 inches of precipitation a year and have little vegetation. Deserts occupy about one-fifth of the land on Earth and appear on every continent. Little Precipitation The little precipitation and rain that falls in deserts is usually erratic and varies from year to year. While a desert might have an annual average of five inches of precipitation, that precipitation may come in the form of three inches one year, none the next, 15 inches the third, and two inches the fourth. Thus, in arid environments, the annual average tells little about actual rainfall. What does matter is that deserts receive less precipitation than their potential evapotranspiration (evaporation from the soil and plants plus transpiration from plants equals evapotranspiration, abbreviated as ET). This means that deserts do not receive enough precipitation to overcome the amount evaporated, so no pools of water can form. benedek / Getty Images Plant and Animal Life With little rainfall, few plants grow in desert locations. When plants do grow, they are usually spaced far apart and are quite sparse. Without vegetation, deserts are highly prone to erosion since there are no plants to hold down the soil. Despite the lack of water, a number of animals call deserts home. These animals have adapted to not only survive, but to flourish, in harsh desert environments. Lizards, tortoises, rattlesnakes, roadrunners, vultures, and, of course, camels all live in deserts. Flooding in a Desert It doesnt rain often in a desert, but when it does, the rain is often intense. Since the ground is often impermeable (meaning that water isnt absorbed into the ground easily), the water runs quickly right into streams that only exist during rainfalls. The swift water of these ephemeral streams are responsible for most of the erosion that takes place in the desert. Desert rain often never makes it to the ocean, the streams usually end in lakes that dry up or the streams themselves just dry up. For instance, almost all of the rain that falls in Nevada never makes it to a perennial river or to the ocean. Permanent streams in the desert are usually the result of exotic water, meaning that the water in the streams comes from outside of the desert. For example, the Nile River flows through a desert but the rivers source in high in the mountains of Central Africa. Where Is the Worlds Largest Desert? The worlds largest desert is actually the very cold continent of Antarctica. It is the worlds driest place, receiving less than two inches of precipitation annually. Antarctica is 5.5 million square miles (14,245,000 square kilometers) in area. Outside of polar regions, Northern Africas Sahara Desert is the worlds largest desert at more than 3.5 million square miles (nine million square kilometers), which is slightly smaller than the size of the United States, the worlds fourth largest country. The Sahara stretches from Mauritania to Egypt and Sudan. What Is the Worlds Hottest Temperature? The worlds highest temperature was recorded in the Sahara Desert (136 degrees F or 58 degrees C at Azizia, Libya on September 13, 1922). Why Is a Desert so Cold at Night? The very dry air of the desert holds little moisture and thus holds little heat; thus, as soon as the sun sets, the desert cools considerably. Clear, cloudless skies also help to quickly release heat at night. Most deserts have very low temperatures at night. Desertification In the 1970s, the Sahel strip that stretches along the southern fringe of the Sahara Desert in Africa experienced a devastating drought, causing land that was formerly used for grazing to turn to desert in a process known as desertification. Approximately one-quarter of the land on Earth is threatened by desertification. The United Nations held a conference to begin discussing desertification in 1977. These discussions eventually resulted in the establishment of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, an international treaty established in 1996 to combat desertification.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assess competing theories of the causes of financial crisis against Essay - 1
Assess competing theories of the causes of financial crisis against evidence from one of the countries impacted by the Asian financial crisis - Essay Example One of the theories established by Corsetti et al (1999) attribute the contagion effect in the Asian economies implying that the economies geographically located adjacent to each other normally follow the other countries in the region for the rise and fall in their economies. Alon and Kellerman (1999) substantiate this theory in that they state that the crisis was a reminiscent of the ‘Domino Theory’ of 1960’s. There are other view points attributing different reasons for the financial crisis in Asian economies. This paper analyzes the competing theories that examine the causes of the Asian financial crisis in the light of several theoretical models established by research studies on the crisis and its causes. Before discussing the causes and effects of the Asian financial crisis, it is important to study the background for the evolution of the financial crisis in the Asian economies. The default of a large amount of debts by Hanob Steel Corporation of South Korea started off the financial crisis in the region. This default by the steel major was followed by many business failures in the country. (Amitava Chatterji 2003) Following this there was an uneasy feeling for the speculators about the economic and political developments in the region. Hence in May 1997 they initiated heavy capital outflows from Thailand putting the baht – the currency of Thailand under pressure. Though there were assurances from the Thai government that there would be no devaluation of baht, Bank of Thailand in July 1997 announced the free float of baht which virtually devalued the currency by 20 percent. (Amitava Chatterji 2003) This had triggered the suspicion in the minds of the investors on the Asian regional capital and currency markets and the investor confidence suffered a marked deterioration. Following the act of Thailand, countries like Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore allowed free float of their respective currencies and the values of all
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Portrayal of AIDS in Mexico Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Portrayal of AIDS in Mexico - Research Paper Example Portraying the message in the correct manner will make a difference in the promotion of protection and safety of AIDS while providing a stronger basis for the communication and messages received by the public. Before developing an advertising campaign for AIDS in Mexico, there needs to be an understanding of the target market. The perceptions about AIDS and the affiliations that are a part of the cultural and social concepts of the area will make a difference in the ability to respond effectively to the current trends in AIDS. More importantly, the understanding of the cultural and social aspects will create a response from society in a positive manner. The more that the message can communicate about the importance of understanding the disease, without a sense of offense or other complications, the more successful it can become in creating prevention and safety measures within Mexico. The beginning of the AIDs epidemic was focused on the individual relationships and practices that were a part of society. Specifically, there was a strong association with the way that individuals carried out specific relationships and the different concepts related to sexual practices. However, it was later found that there are also relationships to cultural and social attitudes toward AIDs and the practices that are a part of society. More importantly, the amount of information and the presentation of knowledge through the media make a difference in understanding of HIV, as well as the transmission of the disease. Different cultures will respond to the information differently and will have a different perception of the disease. The main attitudes that are a part of the Mexican culture are important to examine, specifically because the information that is presented will make a difference in how it is perceived by the public, as well as what the responses will be in society as a response for prevention and safety measures (Parker, 2001).
Monday, November 18, 2019
Innovation at apple Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Innovation at apple - Coursework Example Evidences suggest that many companies have achieved a strong global presence within a short period of time over the last two decades on the strength of their technology and innovation management. The explosive growth of Apple Inc over the last decade is a good example of how a company can create an insanely loyal customer base and dominate the market. This paper will discuss the current significance of innovation and technology management using normative literature and critically analyse the case study to identify contemporary issues in international technology management and hence to justify the arguments. Innovation and technology management Today, companies give specific focus to innovation and technology in order to enhance fast business growth and to master the intense competitive practices brought about by the globalisation forces. In developed countries, innovation is considered as a key tool to address the challenges raised by the low cost producers from emerging economies. A number of the economic reforms introduced over the last few decades have led to the development of new economic powerhouses like India and China, which maintain strong scientific capabilities. In addition, the emergence of globalisation eliminated cross border trade barriers and enhanced the cross border movement of capital, labour, cultures, and ideas. Even though globalisation promotes international trade, products manufactured internationally need to comply with particular needs of targeted markets. Hence, when a multinational corporation markets its products in technologically developed countries like US, UK, or China, it must be able to meet higher level expectation of consumers. Therefore, many of the today’s organisations have established special departments to foster innovation and technological advancements. Innovation management is a recently developed branch of management that particularly deals with execution of various processes in innovation. Generally innovati on can be of two types; product and organisational innovation. Innovation management addresses a set of tools that assist business managers to work together with a common understanding of different objectives and processes. Management experts claim that innovation management greatly benefits an organisation to timely and effectively respond to external or internal growth opportunities and to use its resources to develop new ideas, products, or processes (Rossini 1978, p.45). It must be noted that the scope of innovation management is not limited to research and development activities. In contrast, it encourages frontline workers to top executives to contribute their creativity to the firms’ growth, especially in the areas of manufacturing and marketing. By practicing effective innovation management tools, management can foster employee creativity and gather combined employee efforts towards the sustainable development of the firm (Clark 1980, pp.23-24). Technology management is another set of management disciplines that defines a clear way for organisations to deal with their technological landscape successfully and hence to obtain a competitive edge over their market rivals. The common concepts employed in the technology management are ‘technology strategy, technology forecasting, technology roadmapping, technology project portfolio, and technology portfolio’
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Social Networking our Young Generation Essay
Social Networking our Young Generation Essay Social networking sites are web-based services, with a large online community. Websites like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter provide social networking services which bring people together all over the world by allowing them to get to know each other in an online environment. This interaction is likely to include families, friendship and romantic and group relation. With the help of networking, it can help people make friends and to search to find some personal relationship and families can stay in touch more easily. Nowadays, huge number of people connects to networking sites and it also increases the number of relationship. The websites combine many internet features into one: personal profile, blogs, places for photos and videos, the latest news about music groups, user groups, and more. People use social networking sites to developing business contacts and maintaining contact with them. Websites like LinkedIn can be convenient place for professionals to meet and talk about business. Developing business contacts on the internet is most of the time easier and faster than offline. Aims The aim of the study is explain the Importance of participating in internet groups and interactive with others and one-on-one from the individual self concept and social relationship. This research also tell how the knowledge is to be explored and social action is to be taken which shall be carried out in the field so this research aims at understanding transformation reconstructing and striving for an understanding of the whole. So approach which suites my question is qualitative research and the primary aim of this investigation is to study the people interaction on internet as we all know the now days people have been curious about how the powerful new information and communication media known as internet interaction is going on in the society. Objectives Promote your business using social networking sites. Effects of social networking websites on the young generation. Safety sites of young generation. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social networking sites. Literature review Internet is first and foremost communication technology with the potential to change people social interaction. Internet adoption in homes has grown rapidly since the early 1990s. For Example by 2003 63% of American had used the internet. In 1990s, Information technology experts expected the internet to be consigned to the trash heap of history. Internet has become an essential part of our lives; many websites have facility ways for people to keep in touch in the form of social networking. Social networking sites are the way for interact with new people and to make connections as well as share photos, videos, and activities with each other (Red Sox Nation, Northern California).. In the past 5 years, such sites have rocketed and millions of people use networking sites. According to Amanda Lenhart and Mary Madden indicates that 55% of online teenagers have created a personal profile online, and 55% have used networking sites like MySpace and Face book. A social networking site includes both the exchange of information among individuals and group online. Expression also represents a view perspective, reflection, or quality of the individual or groups. Social networking is more focussed on individual relations and goals than is city and community involvement and networking with specific others whom one either knows initially or eventually comes to know. This interaction is likely to include families, friendship and romantic and group relationship. Video-sharing site is an also place where humans can make connection with one another. YouTube also allows a user to add another user as his or her friend. Expressions refer to the material that is created by individual or groups to reflect their views, interests or talents. Mainly internet based on social networking sites to build the personal and relationship and give the meaning to peoples lives. This sites help to people allow creating social relationship and it also used to find new friends in new locate. There are many ways the internet can be used for social relationship as follows are:- Online chatting Online dating Finding life partners Online friendship Many more Online chatting By using online chatting on internet many friends and relatives have come closer and to know very well to each other. Calling is very expensive and people cant afford to call. With the help of networking sites, people can connect to their relatives and get to talk each other very easily and they can see each other and chat through internet. Online dating Social networking websites are a great way of meeting people new people all over the world. Now days, people are meeting and dating on the internet. People can chat to somebody anytime, anyplace and anywhere. They are having huge relationship with others, so they will ask they will not go out with them because they are dating to someone. Finding Life partners Social sites focus on many different aspects of life, which makes it easier to find and make connections with other people who share common goals and interests, including love. By using traditional forms of marriage creation mainly of arranged marriages, internet has slowly being modified to the arrange marriage because it can serve the strength of tradition especially when modern condition of technologies seen to in decide tradition. Friendship Circle By using these sites instant messaging it allows cheap chatting between people and among group of friend or family. It also offers a good way of communicating with friends nearby or far away, without worrying about time or cost. This activity leads to vast expression of contact and interactivity many people enjoy ready for outcomes relationship. I just like keeping up to chat with somebody and it makes me feel very great to know somebody and to make new connection. So in this research the evidence strongly suggest that the internet has already been used to powerful enhance the social relationship. The importance is social and is creating both individual level and collective level social capital. Networking sites also used for developing business contacts and to make connections with them. Websites like LINKEDIN can be suitable place for professionals to meet and talk about business. Developing business on the internet is the most of the time easier and faster than offline. Social networking sites are also promoting a business to a wider audience and global marketing .Nowadays, the majority of business at least one kind of online presence. All the above reason involve that the easy and rewarding interaction with other people, as well as the personal or professional gain that people obtain from joining social networking sites. These sites succeed at making everyone part of global society. In our research, social networking sites can effects on the young generations. As a result, social networking websites have extensive attraction for youngsters with the number of users growing daily. In 2007, Pew Internet and American life Project report that 55% of online teens have a personal profile (facebook, twitter, orkut) on this kind of website. Today, youngsters attract these sites just because of this websites combine many features into one like personal profile, blogs, videos and photos sharing, and many more. Along with these benefits come some risks. As conclude that there are number of cases for harassment or sexual advances. Most of these sites are open to all, especially MySpace or face book which means that teenagers could be exposed our personal information and our identity to someone. Cyber-bulling and harassment are more often commit by other youngsters and mostly tend to happen most to older girls and either gender who have a strong online presence. There so many several forms like posting threatening messages, publishing private messages, e-mails or text messages, posting embarrassment photos and many more. Another risk is identifying theft, which means somebody can enter your personal profile they can know about everything like, your name, birthdates and your location. So today, its very rare for harassment to all over the world but it can still be a cause of emotional distress for youngsters. As a result, most social networking sites have privacy controls in place, but youngsters hardly ever use them. If you can do active monitoring of profiles and behaviours catches some hackers, but not all of them. Here some tips of safety sites for young generation as well as child also when they created our profile it make sure they understand not to post personal information like home address, birthdates, email address, mobile number etc because this information is private to them and not for sharing. And also explain that what gets put on the inte rnet can live forever its means if you remove your picture later it may have been copied by someone else and misuse of your picture also. The main safety tips are that you should use for password for your profile and make sure their password cannot be easily guessed. Survey results show that percentage for adults with profile on social networking sites September 2009 data. In this graph shows that adults in all age group favour for face book by a wide margin, with older adults preferring it slightly more. In 73% of all adults 18 and older have use face book as well as adults 30 and older has 75% and young adults 18-29 has 71% who use social networking sites have a face book account. C:UsersHarmeet SinghDesktopuntitled.png In contrast, 48% of all adult social network users have a MySpace account. Young generation is much more using MySpace with 66% but only 36% of the 30 and older bracket. In other rates for professional networking sites LinkedIn are the reverse of MySpace. 14% of all adults 18 social networking sites users have LinkedIn account, which breaks down to 7% of adult 18-29 and 19% of adults 30 and older. In conclude that the highest percentage of internet users have use face book in social networking sites the second sites used is MySpace and other LinkedIn sites. Advantages of social networking sites The most common advantages of social networking sites, it is the good way for communicate with new people and to make connections as well as share photos, videos ,blogs, services and activities with each other. Its also build the personal relationship and give the meaning to peoples lives. Social networking sites are also promoting a business to a wider audience and global marketing. By joining different communities, now people can easily know about the latest news related to that community. And the best parts of this that advice is free u dont need to pay any euro. Experts and your friends always ready to give you advice and share information with you. Here some most common positive things that has to make social networking really popular among people and spread smiles. Disadvantages of social networking sites There are some major disadvantages of networking sites that Security is the topmost matter of social networking sites which we used more. There are some people who always search for fake identity, which means somebody can enter your personal profile they can know about everything like, your name, birth date, email address and your location. So today, its very rare for harassment to all over the world. It is always advisable to dont provide your entire identity information online otherwise it makes our life spoil. Methods of Research: Philosophy of research There are many different types of research philosophies used by researchers like positivism, realism, interpretive, objectivism, subjectivism, pragmatism, functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist and radical structuralism. There are two types of realism direct and critical and the meaning of direct is what you see is what you get. Critical realism is the real world images of things and theory suggests data which specify technique at back observables. It means before data collection selection the selection of theory is must and then collection of data according to requirement (Saunders et al, 2007). Types of Research There are two main type of research approaches qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research, by definition deals with quantity and relationships between attributes; it involves the collection and analysis of highly structured data in the positivist tradition (Bowling 1997) .This method of research is appropriate in situations in which there is pre-existing knowledge which will permit the use of standardized data collection methods like survey, questionnaires.(Bowling 1997). Qualitative is an empirical research in which data is in text form rather than in number form. Qualitative method as opposed to quantitative used to collect and analyze the information in as many shapes, mostly non numeric. Main focus of this technique is to explore as feasible in detail, idea is to attain deepness instead of breadth (Blaxter ET at, 2007). I will use qualitative method of research here. The strength of this approach is the capability to study people in the field. Qualitative research describes words rather than numbers, the equality of social phenomena through observation. I am using in depth interviews and questionnaire and discussion group at the same time for collecting my research data. Methodology The methodology shall be illustrative qualitative using a case study methodology. This method offers an opportunity to study a particular subject and this can be used to express theories. Case study is a strategy for doing research method which involves an empirical investigation of a specific occurrence within its real life context using multiple source of indication.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Justice System Essay -- Race Racial
Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Justice System Introduction In modern-day America the issue of racial discrimination in the criminal justice system is controversial because there is substantial evidence confirming both individual and systemic biases. While there is reason to believe that there are discriminatory elements at every step of the judicial process, this treatment will investigate and attempt to elucidate such elements in two of the most critical judicial junctures, criminal apprehension and prosecution. Criminal Apprehension Statistical accounts show consistent accord in that African Americans are disproportionately arrested over whites. What is much less lucid, however, is the real reason for this disparity. Both criminologists and political scientists alike have expounded remarkably polarized explanations for this phenomenon. Exemplary of this are two arguments as developed as they are diametrically opposed, that of William Wilbanks and that of Samuel Walker, Cassia Spohn and Miriam DeLone. These authors’ arguments are both well-articulated and comprehensive, addressing virtually every pertinent concept in the issue of explaining racially disparate arrest rates. In The Myth of a Racist Criminal Justice System, Wilbanks insists that racial discrimination in the criminal justice system is a fabrication, explaining the over-representation of African Americans in arrest numbers simply through higher incidence of crime. Walker, Spohn and DeLone’s The Color of Justice dissents that not only are African Americans not anywhere near the disproportionate level of crime that police statistics would indicate, they are also arrested more because they are policed discriminately. Walker, Spohn and DeLone addi... ...ican Sociological Review 55(5): 609-627. Tappan, Paul W. 1947. â€Å"Who Is the Criminal?†American Sociological Review 12 (1): 96-102. Turner, Billy. 1986. â€Å"Race and Peremptory Challenges During Voir Dire: Do Prosecution and Defense Agree?†Journal of Criminal Justice 14: 61-69. U.S. Department of Justice. 2002. â€Å"What is the Sequence of Events in the Criminal Justice System?† Walker, Samuel, Cassia Spohn, and Miriam DeLone. 2000. The Color of Justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Wilbanks, William. 1987. The Myth of the Racist Criminal Justice System. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Benziger Family Winery Essay
In the case of the Benziger Family Winery, is being faced with the decision of whether or not Chris Benziger should invest in an ISO 14000 certification. The answer is yes, he should pursue the certification in an attempt to strengthen his knowledge that his company already has about being environmentally friendly. This will strengthen his position on the market as a leader in wine industry. In pursuing the certification, he will also educate other growers on the importance of a strong environmental management system. This will make them want to take those same steps to help promote their business to be more like him. By getting the ISO this will further support his environmental policy that he strongly applies to the daily routines for helping the company conserve resources and prevent pollution. He is already certified by the Sonoma County Green Business Program (SCGBP) and is in full environmental compliance. As part of this compliance, the winery has saved over 2 million gallons of water per year through recycling all wastewater. They reduced solid wastes as well as energy cost due to the construction of a wine cave built in the hillside which maintained temperature cool enough to prevent them from using electricity to cool. The Gap Analysis is the formal study behind what the business is currently doing and where they want to be in the future. This means the need for continuous improvement is necessary in promoting the best possible outcomes for the company goals. The gap analysis identifies the gaps from what the company is doing now to what they would be doing should they utilize additional resources to help improve the company’s outputs. By documenting what they have done in the past, this will show what other requirements are necessary to be put in place in an attempt to maximize the company’s capabilities. This may involve benchmarking as well. In this case the winery currently has annual revenues of about 15 million. They are striving to launch a new brand, Tribute that would be selling in the $50-$60 range at about 4000 cases per year. They would also like their exports to increase from about 10% of sales to 20%. For Benziger, this analysis can be done at an operational level since all of his employees are well-trained on the company’s environmentally friendly efforts and are shared with guests of the winery to promote the business. This is an opportunity for Benziger to bring his reputation to a high point and work towards his goal for being a world-class leader in the wine industry. Since the U.S. market is very competitive this would make him stand out since very few U.S. wineries have their ISO 14000 certification. He could enter more markets that its consumers are sensitive to environmental products and continue expanding his business to other countries. It is stated that becoming certified with the ISO 14000 is expensive. This is an investment that will pay for itself in the future. There will be revenue increases by becoming more attractive to consumers who support the environmentally safe production process. The ISO 14000 is an attempt to develop a widely accepted, uniform approach to certify that Benziger’s EMS is the best way to run a business for long term savings and making a positive contribution to the environment. In exhibit 40.4 it shows the EMS Gap Analysis and explains what policies and procedures the Benziger may or may not have in place. It explains that he does have an environmental policy in place and that he has conducted an analysis of the impact that it has on the environment. When it comes to legal requirements, they do not have a procedure in place. This is the responsibility of the Ranch manager and it has not been done yet. He has covered all of his objectives and has established a well-written program to achieve those objectives. He has very good structured within the winery and has delegated responsibilities to each of the family members as well as their other employees. However no roles have been defined and documented yet. It is also noted that there is need for additional training on EMS aspects. The Ranch manager seems to need assistance with organization of training and documentation as well. Although they are on the right track he needs to ensure that they are taking all the necessary steps to continue the company professionally and in an organized fashion. Once the ranch manager has assigned specific roles and tasks to certain team members it will not be all on him to keep the EMS running properly it will become a part of the way they do business. The last part of the Exhibit 40.4 shows some things that they need to improve on. There is no documentation for anything the company does. He needs to be able to show records of his work to be environmentally sensitive. Several of the drafts have been started but none have been completed. It also states that there needs to be a regular review ensuring that the EMS is suitable and effective. Exhibit 40.5 is the Benziger Family Winery Environmental Policy. In comparison to Exhibit 40.4, the policy states the steps they are willing to take to make sure the winery is an environmentally safe and sustainable business. However, when each of the bullets are broken down into a series of questions as they are in Exhibit 40.4, they are not satisfying all of their own expectations. It seems as though they have a few small improvements to make that seem as though are they are not too time consuming. Once each of these steps has been achieved, they are well on their way to being more successful and more organized. If the proper steps are taken to correct the small issues on-hand, the next step for the Benziger Winery is to pursue the ISO 14000 certification. This will set the bar for how other wineries should be run and help the company become one of the top U.S. wine distributors.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Benefits of Effective Planning
Benefits of Effective Planning Free Online Research Papers Effective Planning Can Make a World of Change No matter where a person lives or where they travel to, there is bound to be some form of a shopping center nearby. The human race cannot seem to exist without shopping centers. In the essay â€Å"Shopping Towns USA†the authors Victor Gruen and Larry Smith inform the reader about the history of shopping centers and how they have evolved throughout history. They also introduce various reasons for the existence of shopping centers ranging from the obvious of people needing a place to purchase goods and services to the extreme of them just being there for cultural purposes. The authors believe that effective planning can make or break a shopping center and have a great effect on the town that surrounds it. They also make it clear that they feel that shopping centers also meet the needs of society. I for the most part agree with the author’s ideas. The authors start this essay by introducing the history of how shopping centers began. â€Å"Buying and selling is as old as mankind.†(273) They said. They bring up the fact that prehistoric people bartered for what they needed with what they had a surplus of. Such as trading excess meat or an animal for a necklace or item of similar value for what they needed. This bartering has evolved into the modern purchasing process where goods are gathered in a store and then paid for with coins or paper that has been given a value. The essay then progresses into where shopping centers began to originate. The shopping centers in medieval times were the center of the city. Not only in a geographic manner, but everything that happened in the city whether it be religious, commercial or cultural took place in the Market Square as it was called. Gruen and Smith also mention how the industrial revolution affected the evolution of shopping towns. The largest effect was the construction of factories that made cities a â€Å"crazy quilt of packed humanity†(274) and led to people moving away from the city into suburban areas. This movement created a greater need for private transportation and the increasing need for the automobile. The automobile ruined shopping towns that revolved around the railway station as the central point because people no longer were forced into that area, they were capable of going directly where they needed to go. The essay also incorporates how stores began building on the sides of roads and this lead to the parking problems created and also the solutions of parking areas behind the stores, as well as the construction of super highways and freeways to accommodate the ever-increasing flow of traffic. The essay concludes with the authors mentioning the various needs of society that are fulfilled by shopping centers. They meet the needs of people of all age groups, races, religions and social back grounds. When Gruen and Smith wrote this essay it appears to have been written to inform the reader of not only an overview of shopping centers and towns, but also a look at what they believe the centers and towns purposes are. Their main focus seems to be that shopping centers have a â€Å"need for farsighted, comprehensive planning†(277) and that shopping centers can fill a void in human life by â€Å"affording opportunities for social life and recreation in a protected pedestrian environment, by incorporating civic and educational facilities(277). The authors make it clear that they believe planning is the most effective part to the success of shopping centers. They also make it clear that they believe shopping centers are a vital part to society, not only for their goods. I too believe that shopping centers require much planning and work ahead of time for them to be successful. They are not something that can be made successful in a week or even just a month. If there is not enough planning there can be many consequences. When shopping centers first started one major problem was traffic and parking which is still a prevalent problem in present times. As Gruen and Smith point out â€Å"Business grew and so did automobile traffic. Consequently, serious traffic congestion appeared on the highways, so serious that drivers began to avoid them by using alternate routes.†(276). This traffic problem created a loss of sales and customers at shopping centers along highways because people would not want to deal with the traffic so they would take an alternate route and consequently shop somewhere else. If proper planning would have been administered and traffic considered the stores possibly could have been more successful. The authors use line in their e ssay that I found to be extremely strong and supportive of their view for planning. â€Å"Planning is needed not only to bring order, stability, and meaning to chaotic suburbia; it is necessary in order to establish a strong logical framework within which individual merchandising enterprises can flourish and provide crystallization points for suburbia’s community life.†(277). This quote really expresses how effective planing not only affects the shopping center as a whole but can also have a vital impact on the individual stores located within it. The authors also bring up the point of some business people saying that comprehensive planing is â€Å"regarded as an interference with individual initiative and free enterprise.†(277). I disagree with this because even if it did interfere, without the right planning these business would most likely not be successful and end up dead. The authors really focused on how they felt shopping centers can fill needs of society. When discussing certain shopping centers the authors say â€Å"In such centers, pedestrian areas are filed with teeming life not only during normal shopping hours, but on Sundays and holidays when people window-shop, promenade, relax in the garden courts, view exhibits and patronize the restaurants.†(277). I would strongly agree with that statement because there are many people that go to malls or shopping centers just to relax or get away from home. As far as holidays some people don’t have a place to go with family so the shopping centers provide a place for them to go and be with other people. No matter what happens, I believe shopping centers and malls will be around forever. With or without the necessary planning there will be shopping centers that fail and ones that prosper. This will give society the place it needs to fulfill its everyday needs, whether people realize its there for that reason and not just a place to purchase goods and services. I personally am a person that sees the mall as a place to just purchase things; I never really get a feeling of it fulfilling any other needs for me. I’m not a person that goes there to just hang out and never have been, but it may fulfill other peoples needs in society or maybe I just don’t realize it fulfilling my own. Gruen, Victor and Larry Smith. â€Å"Shopping Towns USA†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum Brief Edition. Ed. Laurence Barons And Leonard Rosen. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 273-78. 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Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Dodd Frank Wall Street Paper
Dodd Frank Wall Street Paper Dodd Frank Wall Street Paper The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act Implications for energy companies, utilities and other over-the-counter market participants 2 It was July 21, 2010 when President Barack Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Fueled by the backlash of the 2008 financial crisis, this legislation represents the most sweeping overhaul of U.S. financial regulation since the 1930s. Even though the Act centers on the financial services and capital markets industries, it includes provisions affecting all public and private companies. For companies engaged in commodities hedging or trading the most significant aspects of the Act are the rules regulating the overthe-counter (OTC) market. Commonly referred to as â€Å"derivative reform,†these rules are far-reaching and complex. As written, derivative reform addresses all types of swaps: equity, interest rate, foreign exchange, credit default and commodity. For energy companies trading OTC commodity swaps there are four major areas to evaluate for business impact: clearing, data and reporting, position limits and new business conduct rules. Since no current OTC market participant will be left untouched, it is still imperative to understand the full scope of these regulations (see caption below). While the specific rules of derivative reform have not yet been fully promulgated, and much is uncertain about the details of complying with Dodd-Frank, enough is known to assess the impact this legislation will have on companies which enter into OTC contracts today in the energy sector. Non-financial industries which participate in the OTC derivative markets include: Energy Companies - Supermajors - Independent Oil & Gas - Refining & Marketing Electric and Natural Gas Utilities Chemical Mining and Mineral Airlines Agribusiness Consumer Products What is a swap dealer and a major swap participant? The Dodd-Frank Act defines a swap dealer as any person who: Tends to accommodate demand for swaps from other parties; A major swap participant satisfies any one of the following criteria: Holds itself out as a dealer in swaps; Is generally available to enter into swaps to facilitate other parties’ interest in entering into swaps; Maintains a â€Å"substantial position†; Makes a market in swaps; Regularly enters into swaps with counterparties in the ordinary course of business for its own account, or engages in activity causing itself to be commonly known in the trade as a dealer or market maker in swaps. With these characteristics: Tends to enter into swaps on their own standard terms or on terms they arrange in response to other parties’ interest; and Tends to arrange customized terms for swaps upon request, or to create new types of swaps at their own initiative. Holds outstanding swaps which create â€Å"substantial counterparty exposure†; or Is a highly leveraged financial entity that maintains a â€Å"substantial position". End-users enter into swaps to hedge or mitigate commercial risk. 3 Many moving parts Figure 1. Timeline for Derivative Reform Implementation The original timeline for Derivative Reform is aggressive. Market participants are arguing for a phased approach to allow for an orderly, efficient and inclusive transition to the new market. July 2010 December 2010 July 2011 December 2011 December 2012 July 2013 CFTC and SEC issue final regulation on Derivative Reform EFFECTIVE DATE - TBD Bill becomes effective Registration of SDs and MSPs Interim system until â€Å"technologically feasible†Real-Time Reporting of all Swaps Clearing/Exchange Trading - Post-Enactment Swaps OTC derivatives cleared on exchanges Clearing/Exchange Trading - Pre-Enactment Swaps Proprietary Trading Study - Volcker Rule Study Complete Swaps Push Out Rule Trading ceases Transition
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Meeting Technologies In the Copenhagen Accord Essay
The Meeting Technologies In the Copenhagen Accord - Essay Example The primary objective of the accord is to minimize greenhouse gas emitted by human activities that is already affecting climate change. While no specific action plans were agreed to in that session, it has set the stage for a series of conferences and treaties to implement its primary objective. The most recent of conferences related to this global initiative was held last December 2009 at Copenhagen, Denmark (United Nations). It was attended by 15,000 delegates from government and non-government institutions of various countries. Assembling such a huge number of participants to meet and exchange opinions entail technology that will facilitate such meeting into a successful agreement. While there are already 15,000 delegates on site to attend the conference, some countries need more participation. Individuals are able to participate in the conference without travelling to the site by viewing a webcast. A webcast is broadcasting over the internet. It is a medium of distributing a media file, say a digitally recorded video of the proceedings of a conference or the actual live video of the conference, over the Internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers (Webcast). A webcast is such a powerful tool to use to capture a wider audience at virtually anywhere in the globe where the Internet is accessible. Having access to the conference from the home country will help delegates even be effective contributors to the conference by getting essential feedback from their country almost instantaneously while the conference is going on. And how do delegates attending the live conference obtain such feedback from their host countries, which could be thousands of miles from where they are sitting That is the power of the Internet. Today, having connectivity to the Internet is as essential as having a pen and paper in attending a meeting. Of course connectivity is only a piece of the set-up: a personal computer and software is required to effectively be connected. When connected to the Internet, the delegate has access to a wide variety of information: both public and private to the conference. Conference-exclusive information may include documents that are being shared and discussed in the conference will not need to be printed out, instead is shared over the Internet for exclusive viewing of the delegates. The delegates may have access to a chat tool where one can privately contact a co-delegate via short messages while the meeting is going-on (like small chats, but not voicing out but writing) or chat with a small g roup, say delegates from the same region or continent who most-likely share the same concerns. Public information is accessible through search engines that help find articles in the public Internet related to any topic being searched (Search Engine). Lastly, there is the e-mail, short for electronic mail, which instantaneously sends a message to anywhere in the world to elicit an immediate reply into one's message (E-mail). Such electronic connectivity save money in printing and communication costs vs. traditional means. Conclusion With the use of these vital technologies in such a global
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Creating a Diffusion Line For the Stella McCartney Brand Essay
Creating a Diffusion Line For the Stella McCartney Brand - Essay Example The paper "Creating a Diffusion Line For the Stella McCartney Brand" discovers the supply base of the Stella McCartney brand. Chung et al (2001) and Malhotra (1986) explain that brand personality can also be helpful in creating customer loyalty in the saturated domestic market, and this has been true of Stella McCartney. This is achieved through interaction with positive associations with the personalities of the consumers. Abedania (2010) states that this interaction helps a company to gain deeper understanding of the perception of consumers towards the brand. Stella McCartney has been able to tap into the value of its organized value chains to increase its profit margins, and reduce its expenses like transportation. A retail structure should enable a company to reach more target customers with the product and give an insight to their perceptions. An analysis of the company’s retail organizational structure indicates that it serves the needs of the organization. The company o perates 17 freestanding McCartney stores situated in Milan, New York, Los Angeles and London’s Mayfair, Manhattan’s Soho, Paris’ Palais Royal, LA’s West Hollywood, Rome and Miami. Currently, her collections are distributed in more than 50 countries through a network of 600 wholesale accounts including department stores and specialty shops. There is also an online shop for customers to purchase products online. This retail structure does not allow the company to have a total control on the delivery of its products. An overview of the supply base of the Stella McCartney brand From the above discussion, it is clear that Stella McCartney has an extensive supply chain. This supply chain serves the needs of the proposed diffusion brand and its proposed buying strategy in various ways. First, the extensive supply chain ensures that high-end designs more and easily accessible to the public. The customers are to be allowed to access lowly-priced but specially desi gned products for a limited time. Information from IBISWorld (2012) revels that offering products that are moderately priced than the original line will ensure that the devised buying strategy captures customers from less wealthy and younger demographics. This is a group of budget-conscious buyers and thus this strategy is important in ensure that customer demand is sustained all through the business periods, especially when the value of once-elite brands fades and they no longer sell as they used to. There is room for improvements that will help in ensuring that the existing supply chain serves the needs, and buying strategy of the proposed diffusion brand to a better level. One of the recommendations is to enter into lower-priced designer collaborations with many fast selling fashion retailers. Although the products will be offered at different price ranges, this step will result to increased sales and thus a general increase in revenue. The company is able to interact and communi cate with customers through various ways through its supply chain. For for example, it uses brochures and direct customer service which ensures that the needs of the customers are always taken into accountability when coming up with new designs. Global distribution strategy for taking the product forward to both the B2B and B2C consumer The company’s distribution strategy for taking the product forward to both the B2B and B2C should be formulated from a multichannel perspective.
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